Addictions come from shortages in infancy. People try to compensate this way. Alcoholism is generally produced from a shortage in mother's milk. And heroin addiction is usually due to a lack of being, the absence of recognition; the drug fills the emptiness of not being loved.
But everyone in the world has a cross. Mine is mine, yours is yours: I only can make you conscious of your cross and, apart from that, you free yourself or not. This depends on you.
If we want to transform reality, we begin with ourselves. We do not ask the world to change, and we do not fight against society. It has to be us ourselves who affirm our own values.
Tenemos que ser muy conscientes de que debajo de cada enfermedad hay una prohibición. Una prohibición que viene de una superstición.
That is the marvel of true art, that no one has yet found a way to commercialize it.
Many people effectively stop carrying out what it's called 'life's a movie.' The majority of people want to be like others, and this drives them to a death in life. It is necessary to find what distinguishes us from others in order to be something. To the extent that we try to be like others, we convert ourselves into zombies.
Beauty is the maximum limit we can access through language. We cannot reach the truth, but we can get close to it through beauty.
'I think the art of filmmaking is something you learn through actions, by doing it, not by learning theories. And as you do it, your mind starts to change.'
Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.
We only have problems we really want to have.
No one fulfills himself fully. What is fulfilling oneself? Advancing as one can.
When we do something we have never done, we are already on the road to healing. We must break the routines.
For art to be art it has to cure.
At that time they said I was crazy because I wanted to make a movie that was 14 or 16 hours. But now people do it. There are three-'Hobbit 1,' 'Hobbit 2,' 'Hobbit 3.' Everything I wanted to do is possible to do today.