I think the next set of media companies are going to be created on the web and that YouTube is going to be a big part of that.
Imagine you can tell YouTube you have an hour to watch TV, and it would give you programming based around what you have watched in the past, what your friends watched and recommended, what your favourite celebrities tweeted about, and on one piece of input from you about what mood you are in.
We think of it as an extension of existing content efforts we have now. We didn't have a general way for people to push information to us that they didn't think was being represented in our search results.
We realized that YouTube is a rocket ship and that this is an incredibly big space. I started agitating for it. I was the most passionate voice for acquiring YouTube: 'The price tag seems really high, but it is going to be worth it.
I definitely don't think of this as a play in any kind of e-commerce space. There was a gap in our ability to get certain types of information.
We want to get to a point where anything you can think of finding that is video related is searchable or recommended to you on YouTube.
I can't predict exactly what the TV channel of the future is, but we think more and more time spent on TV is going to be around web content and web video.
What's amazing is that the Web enables you to build a kind of channel that wouldn't have made sense for cable, in the same way cable enabled you to build content that wouldn't have made sense for broadcast. You couldn't have done CNN with the broadcast networks; you couldn't have done MTV with the broadcast networks.
We thought there was an opportunity in a more general way for anybody to make content available to us.
What we'd like to think of YouTube as is a part of Google with very overlapping goals and values. We're a fundamental part of the advertising business for Google.
We are breaking down some of the artificial barriers between e-mail and Web browsing. We observed by talking with our users that there is no reason to think of IM as different from an e-mail message.
YouTube has proven it can flourish in a model where there is more autonomy, and in that way I think it is an example and a potential model for other areas of the business.
We're putting this out and making decisions later. It's certainly possible. That's the principle: We do not want to lock this information.
We observed by talking with our users that there is no reason to think of IM as different from an e-mail message.