'The thing is to be happy,' he said. 'No matter what. Just try that. You can. It gets to be easier and easier. It's nothing to do with circumstances. You wouldn't believe how good it is. Accept everything and then tragedy disappears. Or tragedy lightens, anyway, and you're just there, going along easy in the world.'
Always remember that when a man goes out of the room, he leaves everything in it behind... When a woman goes out she carries everything that happened in the room along with her.
Because if she let go of her grief even for a minute it would only hit her harder when she bumped into it again.
In your life there are a few places, or maybe only the one place, where something happened, and then there are all the other places.
She was learning, quite late, what many people around her appeared to have known since childhood: that life can be perfectly satisfying without major achievements.
You cannot let your parents anywhere near your real humiliations.