Yevgeny Yevtushenko is a ham actor, not a poet.
Allen Tate -
Swimmer of noonday, lean for the perfect dive To the dead Mother's face, whose subtile down You had not seen take amber light alive.
Allen Tate
But in our age the appeal to authority is weak, and I am of my age.
Allen Tate -
Experience means conflict, our natures being what they are, and conflict means drama.
Allen Tate -
Therefore with idle hands and head I sit In late December before the fire's daze Punished by crimes of which I would be quit.
Allen Tate -
In an age of abstract experience, fornication Is self-expression, adjunct to Christian euphoria, And whores become delinquents; delinquents, patients; Patients, wards of society. Whores, by that rule, Are precious.
Allen Tate -
Men cannot live forever But they must die forever....
Allen Tate -
The Spring I seek is in a new face only.
Allen Tate