I write a lot, but it's not all fantastic. There's plenty of terrible crap. We work on a few things at a time, let some things fall away, make changes. We certainly have enough for the next album, which could take at least another year to come out.
A turn, a screw, a pull, a twist, the drug that makes you prettiest.
I'm not gonna live my life on one side of an ampersand.
I'm bisexual, but it's not the sort of thing I spent a lot of time thinking about … I've slept with girls; I've slept with guys, so I guess that's what they call it! I'm not anti trying to use language to simplify our lives.
I still get laughed at but it doesn't bother me, I'm just so glad to hear laughter around me.
Interviewer Barb H: Your sound is quite refreshing, did it come naturally?AP: As natural as the day you were born, my love.
i am a herd of cats and a drunk shepherd with alzheimer’s all at once. i am the walrus.
you're rich in loveyou're great bedyou'll see the worldyou'll knock 'em deadand all the thick books that you've readwill count for nothing in the end