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Round off the edges Talk us down from the ledges Give us strength to try once more Baby, that's what love is for That's what love is for
Sometimes I see you And you don't know why I'm there And I'm washed away by emotions I hold deep down inside Getting stronger with time It's living through the fire And holding on we find That's what love is for …
True love is frozen in time I'll be your champion and you'll be mine I will remember you So please remember I will remember you
If it all just happened overnight, you would never learn to believe in what you cannot see...
The Ocean is big, I am small, yes. But I am nothing, And I realize that it is worth the struggle. To Live. And it means everything to be loved.
Love's for fools wise enough to take a chance.
Believing in the one thing That has gotten us this far - That's what love is for To help us through it That's what love is for Nothing else can do it Melt our defenses Bring us back to our senses Give us strength to try once more Baby, that's what love is for.
You live in a dangerous place when you sacrifice integrity for security.
Get outside. Watch the sunrise. Watch the sunset. How does that make you feel? Does it make you feel big or tiny? Because there's something good about feeling both.
I was in Sarasota, Florida, on a spring-break trip with my friends Bruce and Karen Moore. Bruce and I were waiting on the beach for the rest of our crew when and a man and his grown kids came strolling up the sand. They looked at me for a minute, sort of hesitating, and then asked, "Would you mind taking a picture?" "Sure," I said, and quickly arranged all of us in a line, putting myself in the middle and motioning to Bruce to come snap the photo. Right about that time, the father said, "Actually, we were wondering if you could take a picture just of us." An understandable mistake on my part, but really embarrassing. Bruce has had a field day reminding me of that one ever since. Lesson learned: Never assume anything about your own importance. It's a great big world, and all of us are busy living our lives. None of us knows all the time and effort that another person puts into his or her passion.
The backdrop of half the experiences of life includes music.