When I'm studying English I love to watch 'Friends' or 'Nikita.'
Love your job, stay punctual, and appreciate everything!
Fashion and style are a language - they helps us communicate with each other in a creative way. Style is one of the most important methods of self-expression.
My hometown is a very boring city. There isn't a lot of industry - there are a lot of trees. It's not like Beijing where the sky is always dark. In my city the sky is blue and the sun shines.
When I was 17, I entered a modeling contest in my home province in China because my mother wanted me to learn better posture. And the rest is history!
Now, there are more and more Asian models and opportunities to understand Asian beauty.
Striped shirts and printed shorts, jeans, and trousers are all items I buy and wear a lot in my private life.
Fashion is constantly evolving throughout the seasons and within various cultural changes, but the one thing that has stayed constant is how I always want my style to be an authentic, intrinsic part of myself.
People probably think I'm cute because I have dimples and am friendly and always smiling. But beauty is different. In Chinese, people say I have chi ze, which means aura or a strong sense of presentation. It's not about my look.
Being in this position enables myself and others to deliver messages of positivity - we can broadcast to everyone just how beautiful this world is, and all the ways we can keep it beautiful by treating one another with kindness.
When I was little, I never wanted to be a model or really thought of doing this job. I'm from a small city, Yongzhou Hunan in the south of China - not a big place for fashion.
I'm not that big a celebrity. I'm just an ordinary person.
My parents are very humble people who have simple lives... they live in a pleasant little town in China.
I feel the most beautiful when I'm the most relaxed - for example, after a productive day of work or during a comfortable, rested afternoon. But I also feel great when I reunite with friends after a long time.
I've learned what looks too sexy or too tomboy or too cool for me! I know what suits me now.
You can mix and match, depending on your own mood, whether you want your look of the day to be casual, cool, or even punk.
Your look changes depending on your confidence, and then your beauty changes. When I first came to New York, all the people were saying, 'You look so Asian because you have a different eye shape.' They didn't really understand because they didn't really see that many Asian models.
I just wear very nice pyjamas. When I'm at home, I love to watch movies and relax because when I'm modeling, I'm always travelling. When I'm not working I don't put much make up, but I do love nail polish for that little bit of fun colour.
Romantic music really stirs my soul. And, of course, I love Chinese music; it makes me feel closer to home.
I never wore high heels in my hometown.
I hope that when people see Asian women, they realize we are all different. A lot of time with Caucasian people, they just group us together as Asian. But even with different cities in China, people have different personalities... We look Asian, but we still look different. We don't look the same.
For my beauty routine, it's kind of complicated. It's not easy at all. I like being natural, but natural is not really natural. To be natural, you need to have really good skin. This is really important.
Fall in love with the work you do - that is the best way to make everything last.
Every makeup artist or stylist with whom I work has many special ideas, tips, and creations. I can always learn so much from them.