I am a journalist in the field of etiquette. I try to find out what the most genteel people regularly do, what traditions they have discarded, what compromises they have made.
The modern rule is that every woman should be her own chaperone.
We must learn which ceremonies may be breached occasionally at our convenience and which ones may never be if we are to live pleasantly with our fellow man.
When we learn to give thanks, we are learning to concentrate not on the bad things, but on the good things in our lives.
Good manners have much to do with the emotions. To make them ring true, one must feel them, not merely exhibit them.
Only a great fool or a great genius is likely to flout all social grace with impunity, and neither one, doing so, makes the most comfortable companion.
One face to the world, another at home - makes for misery.
I have no use for people who exhibit manners.
Everyone knows that a man can marry even if he reaches the age of 102, is penniless, and has all his facilities gone. There is always some woman willing to take a chance on him.
The best-dressed women I know pay very little attention to the picayune aspects of fashion, but they have a sound understanding of style.