I'm a songwriter but she Katie Melua has her songs written for her... She must think it's her fucking lucky day... It's not like she's singing old songs like Jamie Cullum, she's singing shit new songs that her manager writes for her.
He left no time to regret,Kept his dick wet,With his same old safe bet.Me & my head high,And my tears dry,Get on without my guy.
You should be stronger than me,But instead you're longer than frozen turkey,Why'd you always put me in control?All I need is for my man to live up to his role,Always wanna talk it through- I'm ok,Always have to comfort you every day,But that's what I need you to do - are you gay?
He walks away,The sun goes down,He takes the day but I'm grownAnd in your way,In this blue shadeMy tears dry on their own.
You'll never get my mind rightlike 2 ships passing in the night.
What kind of fuckery is this?You made miss the Slick Rick gig.
The Moschino bra you bought me last ChristmasPut it in the box, put it in the boxFrank's in there and I don't carePut it in the box, put it in the box,Now take it,Take the box.
Though I battle blind,Love is a fate resignedMemories mar my mind,Love is a fate resignedOver futile odds,And laughed at by the godsAnd now the final frame,Love is a losing game.
You can't sit down right,Cause your jeans are too tight,And you're lucky it's ladies night.With your big empty purse,Every week it gets worse,At least your breasts cost more than hers.
It's not important to me to make other people at ease. I am difficult, but that's 'cause I don’t really give a fuck.
I'd rather be at home with Ray,I ain't got seventy daysCause there's nothing,There's nothing you can teach meThat I can't learn from Mr Hathaway.I didn't get a lot in classBut I know it don't come in a shot glass.
They tried to make me go to RehabI said no, no, noYes, I've been black, but when I come backYou'll know, know, know!I ain’t got the time,And if my daddy thinks I'm fineJust try to make me go to rehabI won't go, go, go.
Then you notice likkle carpet burnMy stomach drop and my guts churnYou shrug and it's the worstWho truly stuck the knife in first?I cheated myself like I knew I wouldI told you I was trouble, you know that I'm no goodI cheated myself, like I knew I wouldI told you I was trouble, yeah you know that I'm no good.
My destructive side has grown a mile wideand I question myself again: what is it about men?