(About Elton John) He's my fairy Godfather; literally that's what I call him. ... Hopefully while I'm in town there'll be a moment I can share my new boobs with him. I have to show him, because he gets to see. Not that he's really caring, but I flashed him my other ones so he has to see these ones too. He has to see the new set.
I'm a singer who touches millions of people and my words and my knowledge of what I'm learning from cancer can help millions. And if I can help millions, even if I help one person, that's one person more than none.
I'm a fighter by nature and nothing will ever change that.
I wear glasses because I need them; I don't wear them to be the fashion victim, I have to have them because I have a stigma in one eye and I'm blind in another. But I make it fun, I make it acceptable to fit in society; I've always worn crazy, goofy glasses, it's just what I do. This is who I am. Love me or leave me.
My will, my faith and my body have been challenged, but make no mistake, my heart is strong and my resolve to fight will never be broken.
Sometimes I wonder if my purpose on this earth is to be a role model. Look at my challenges as a gift, and my voice as tool.
I don't fear death. But I don't like being dangled out there like a piece of meat on a fishing rod to it either. If I'm going to die, take me out now. Don't let me suffer. That's not exactly the way I wanted to go. I don't want to be in limbo, I don't want to know that I might die. The mights don't work with me. I'm too literal.
You don't have to be blond or blue eyes or taller or smaller...just have to be who you need to be, and that's help people become who they are.
I don't have a deep desire to know my father. My brother and sister and I got forgotten about by him, and we haven't spoken to him in a ridiculous amount of years. He never contacted us after he and my mother broke up. ... I never felt rejected as a kid. We had a fulfilling life with my mum. She was so strong.
Early detection has saved my life twice. I will continue to battle and lend my voice in any way I can.
When I'm asked where I want to be in five or 10 years time, I say I just want to be alive and healthy.
I'm just as fragile and broken as anyone else at times. We all have to get through our stuff as best we can. Some of us have strong armour, some of us don't. Sometimes my armour has been very strong and sometimes it's been very fragile.
All I can say is we are not promised tomorrow, I know that, you know that. So we gonna make every moment last and just blessed it and appreciate it. (form her speech at Rock in Rio, 2006)
You're the soldier girl who tells the other troops who haven't fought the battle what it's like so they can fight it better.