It just comes out of my subconscious. If you asked me to draw you a doodle, I couldn't do it.
We must engage with China to try and put as much pressure on North Korea as possible.
Yachts are job creators.
There should be no room in our society for any type of religious bigotry.
There should be no doubt why Israel, our best friend and greatest ally in the Middle East, has determined that Iran poses an existential threat.
Our military personnel sacrifice for us, and we need to stand up for them.
Why give Russia or Syria any reason to doubt that Obama would use force?
I really do believe in succession building and giving people experience for future leadership.
I can say this very clearly: I have come into this Congress with an antiwar bias.
I think I have a gene in me to always fight for the underdog, which I've done since I was a kid.
Creating on-campus communities for student veterans will help ease the transition from military to student life by providing networking opportunities, assistance with federal benefits, and career services.
We are held up by the radical Muslims as the enemy. So every time we go into one of these countries to do - we think - the right thing, we become propaganda for this radical movement.
The reason Jeb Bush is not doing well is because of his name. He is part of a long establishment Republican family, and this is not going well with the Republican Party.
I've taken legislation that people have been trying to pass for 10 or 15 years, and I got it passed.
I ran for Congress in 1992, but I lost the election, and I really dropped the idea of ever serving in Congress. Eventually, I went home and became the mayor of my city, West Palm Beach. I was mayor for eight years.
Issues become much more real to me when I have stories back home.
Japan and South Korea are two of America's greatest trading partners and home to important U.S. military bases.
We need a national family leave policy that will allow both men and women to take paid time off from work to care for a newborn or a sick relative.
One of the best things we can do for our country, for advancing our children, is to upgrade our child care system.
When your leader is misbehaving, it's very easy for other people to follow that.
Veterans have stood up for us.
I'm the mother of a Marine veteran.
My son was born right here in Florida; he went to public schools and went to the University of Florida and surprised me - I'll tell you that - when he went into the service.
A strong, unwavering relationship between the U.S. and its allies Japan and South Korea is necessary for the national and economic security of all three countries.