Often, I'll read a script and the female character's an extension or serves some sort of purpose in terms of the male character's narrative and it just isn't fully formed. But they will be very beautiful. Whether a secretary or a doctor or a vet, they will be very beautiful.
When I was little, I would always try and look into the television screen along the sides. I kept thinking if you looked in there, you could see what was happening off camera.
People think I'm totally crackers.
Sometimes you need to break away from something in order to know how much you need or want it.
I've always thrown like a girl.
Sometimes I can think of nothing more blissful than going to Berkeley and reading Byron for three years.
Sometimes I can receive the world and regurgitate my version of events easily and sometimes it's hard.
Tracey Emin's 'Strangeland' made me see that everything I have to be creative is inside of myself.
I don't read reviews, and it's not because I don't think I can learn something, I'm sure I could learn a lot. I just that I feel very passionately about the work and especially when you're doing theater, you really only need one director and when you read reviews, you feel like you have twelve, because you respond to them, naturally.
I worked on 'Happy-Go-Lucky' for seven-and-a-half months, and I'm in it for two minutes - largely because Sally Hawkins turned left instead of right.
Maybe I've just been incredibly fortunate, but there's a level of dedication, devotion, intensity and seriousness around me every day.
There's always hope, and there's always despair.
I have quite a collection of ironic band T shirts.
Fear is the enemy. I distrust it. Any feeling or decision I make that might be motivated by fear I quickly reassess.
As an actor, you want to know if you're keeping a secret or telling the truth.
As a woman, on any film or any show, we do most of the emoting.
I think, really, what I'm interested in is whole women, real people.
I've always worked very hard.
My grandparents were deeply affected by war, and it was obvious that the men who fought were horribly affected, as were the women who remained at home.
I always do a lot of work around characters to make them real people because, oftentimes, they really are a sliver of a person. Even with truly wonderful writers, women characters are there to emote, and they're often incredibly chaste or worthy. Or they're a 'different type of woman', which is the worst.
I am a Graham Greene fan - I'm just a ferocious reader. I read an awful lot when I get the time.
I play myself every day, and it's quite boring.
Both of my grandfathers fought in the Second World War, and my great-grandfather died at the Somme in the First World War. I never truly believed that the War just finished and everyone was happy-clappy, brought out the bunting, and felt everything was okay again. That's definitely not my impression of the fall-out of war.
You can't tell what's going to fulfill you in different stages in your life.