In Australian culture, people are just more laid back, people aren't as serious, they just take their time with things. It's just like, whatever, if I don't get it done I don't get it done.
I guess if you're a normal person and all of a sudden you're getting $10 million a year, it can go to your head.
I just want to try to ignore the scrutiny and all the distractions and just play hard basketball and let the best come... Improving game by game and trying to improve my game is what I want to do.
Winning the Rookie of the Year would be nice but making the playoffs would be even nicer for me.
I'm not going to put my energy into dunking every time I get the ball. That's stupid.
Going home to Australia, it's good to get home, but it's kind of bad too because you get used to that way of life again and you have to come back to America.
These days, to be seven years in one spot in any pro sport is a pretty long tenure.
The thing with NBA teams, a lot of times they just want to get you back on the floor to play, so as a player you've got to be very, very smart.
What I would say is I've only had one injury in my NBA career that was probably was because my core wasn't strong enough, when I had a stress fracture in my back.
I think because I am a proven rookie that it is going to help me in the long run.
You can't really get into regular football after you watch Australian rules football because it's just two different ends of the totem pole.
The public's got it right, a lot of NBA stars are arrogant and like to spend lots of money and have lots of girlfriends and all that.
This is my job and I respect it enough to concentrate on it.
The American attitude is 'We're the best'. That's why the NBA guys who come from other countries, the Europeans, all sort of stick together away from the game.
A lot of rookies hit the wall after 50 or 60 games.
I can cook a little bit but pretty much when I get back from practice I am pretty tired that I just order out.
Playing in sold out arenas several nights a week is something I have never experience before. I want to experience that. I want to experience that in my first year and build on that.
I'm not a fan of baseball really.
I've had two unlucky injuries that are the equivalent of walking under 1,000 ladders and seeing 1,000 black cats.
I'm not super-athletic.