And all at once I lost my breathAnd all at once was scared to deathFor all at once I owned the earth and sky.Now I've met Miss JonesWe'll keep on meeting till we die,Yes, Miss Jones and I.
Blue Moon,You knew just what I was there for,You heard me saying a prayer for,Someone I really could care for.
She gets too hungry for dinner at eight...She likes a crap game, but never come late...She'd never bother with people she hates...That's why the lady is a tramp.
I'm wild again, beguiled againA simpering, whimpering child again;Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I.Couldn't sleep and wouldn't sleepWhen love came and told me, I shouldn't sleep;Bewitched, bothered and bewildered - am I.I'm wild again! Beguiled again! A simpering, whimpering child again,Bewitched, bothered and bewildered am I.
Blue Moon,You saw me standing alone,Without a dream in my heart,Without a love of my own.
Bless our Mountain Greenery home!In a mountain greeneryWhere God paints the sceneryJust two crazy people together
Blue Moon,Now I'm no longer alone,Without a dream in my heart,Without a love of my own.