I'm big on being positive. I'm generally so positive and happy. I just always felt that I was exactly where I wanted to be. And things have continued to go in great directions.
I've been gay since the day I was born.
I always wanted to be an anchorman, but after college I wound up working behind the scenes at CBS News for 10 years.
I'd like to think, that were he alive today, Warhol would be painting the Housewives.
Follow your passion. Be yourself, but check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Dinner 'conversation' at the Cohens' meant my sister, mom, and I relaying in brutal detail the day's events in a state of amplified hysteria, while my father listened to his own smooth jazz station in his head.
The Internet is for haters. Everyone wants to knock somebody down, but it's cool.
I'm an NRA-certified Expert Rifleman.