I've never met Ai Weiwei but he's a colleague, an artist. In a very simple way he is heroically recording human existence. All he's done is to record death by administration, death by corruption, inefficiency. I don't even think he's pointing that sharp a finger, frankly.
Jerusalem is all about a very special relationship between the ground and the sky. This work attempts to bring the two together.
Red is a colour I’ve felt very strongly about. Maybe red is a very Indian colour, maybe it’s one of those things that I grew up with and recognise at some other level. Of course, it is the colour of the interior of our bodies. Red is the centre.
It's a building with a curious, difficult history that is inexorably linked to the history of Berlin, he said That's very potent. You can't make a show here without some reference to all of that. And it certainly makes a show here so much more interesting.
It's a shame that I haven't done an exhibition in India till now. But I am working on one in Delhi for January 2005. If things go well, there will be another in Mumbai too.
It is precisely in those moments when I don’t know what to do, boredom drives one to try …a host of possibilities… to either get somewhere or not get anywhere.
Architects have always hoped to find a way to skip that stage between design and finished building.
Germans have a rather healthy respect for the arts and artists, could not be more different from the British perspective.