The art of pleasing is the art of deception.
You must rouse into people's consciousness their own prudence and strength, if you want to raise their character.
The most absurd and reckless aspirations have sometimes led to extraordinary success.
The idle always have a mind to do something.
All grand thoughts come from the heart.
If people did not compliment one another there would be little society.
The fruit derived from labor is the sweetest of pleasures.
Indolence is the sleep of the mind.
The conscience of the dying belies their life.
Those who can bear all can dare all.
One promises much, to avoid giving little.
Clearness ornaments profound thoughts.
You are not born for fame if you don't know the value of time.
The fool is like those people who think themselves rich with little.
Lazy people are always anxious to be doing something.
Patience is the art of hoping.
There is nothing that fear and hope does not permit men to do.
Vice stirs up war, virtue fights.
One can not be just if one is not humane.
It is difficult to esteem a man as highly as he would wish.
The maxims of men reveal their characters.
Wicked people are always surprised to find ability in those that are good.
The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one's opportunities and make the most of one's resources.
Men sometimes feel injured by praise because it assigns a limit to their merit; few people are modest enough not to take offense that one appreciates them.