I am the granddaughter of a Welsh coal miner who was determined that his kids get out of the mines. My dad got his first job when he was six years old, in a little village in Wales called Nantyffyllon, cleaning bottles at the Colliers Arms.
I can't tell you what will happen over the next four years. But I can only stand here tonight, as a wife, a mother, a grandmother, an American, and make you this solemn commitment: This man will not fail. This man will not let us down. This man will lift up America!
We all have burdens and we need to learn to carry each other's burdens, lighten each other's load.
I know what it's like to finish the laundry and to look in the basket five minutes later and it's full again. I know what it's like to pull all the groceries in, and see the teenagers run through, and all of a sudden, all of the groceries you just bought a few hours ago are gone.
We need to respect choices that women make.
My faith experience, well, as you can imagine, you need a lot of faith to raise five boys.
Motherhood was my career. I'm totally satisfied with that.
Riding exhilarated me; it gave me a joy and a purpose.
Everybody has problems. Everyone has issues.
There have been so many people that have come up and embraced me as an example of what it's like to face something tough and just get up the next day and keep pushing.
And I cannot tell you how much I appreciate that because the days are long, the road is hard, the trials are there and I never know when, I have this little gray cloud that's over my head, when it's gonna start raining on me again. And I do need everyone's prayers. But I also believe that we're here for a purpose, and Mitt is prepared.
I love the fact that there are also women out there that don't have a choice and they must go to work and they still have to raise the kids. Thank goodness that we value those people too.
There are certain things that don't mix well with MS. One is staying up late at night. Another is big, noisy crowds. Well, campaigns are staying up late at night and big noisy crowds.
Everywhere I go people come up to me, they mob me - anyone who has MS or has a relative with MS - they come up and hug and cry.
You know how exasperated you can be when you're the mother of five young boys.
I made a choice to stay home and raise five boys. Believe me, it was hard work.
As his partner on this amazing journey, I can tell you Mitt Romney was not handed success. He built it.
It may look perfect, but that's one thing I have learned about life is that it isn't always what it looks.
We can be poor in spirit, and I don't even consider myself wealthy, which is an interesting thing, it can be here today and gone tomorrow.
When you're used to being healthy and strong and vibrant and everything and then - bang - overnight you're desperately ill, it's frightening.
I know for certain people I'm championing a struggle that they're going through.
I'm not sure if men really understand this, but I don't think there's a woman in America who really expects her life to be easy. In our own ways, we all know better!
When I was so fatigued that I couldn't move, the excitement of going to the barn and getting my foot in the stirrup would make me crawl out of bed.
I can tell you and promise you that I've had struggles in my life. And I would love to have people understand that Mitt and I have compassion for people that are struggling.