There is nothing of greater importance to the well-being of society at large - of man as well as woman - than the true proper position of woman.
We too often bind ourselves by authorities rather than by the truth.
Let our lives be in accordance with our convictions of right, each striving to carry out our principles.
The world has never yet seen a truly great and virtuous nation because in the degradation of woman the very fountains of life are poisoned at their source.
Learning, while at school, that the charge for the education of girls was the same as that for boys, and that, when they became teachers, women received only half as much as men for their services, the injustice of this distinction was so apparent.
Those who read the Scriptures and judge for themselves, not resting satisfied with the perverted application of the text, do not find the distinction that theology and ecclesiastical authorities have made in the condition of the sexes.
It is not Christianity, but priestcraft that has subjected woman as we find her.
The laws given on Mount Sinai for the government of man and woman were equal; the precepts of Jesus make no distinction.