I was such a tomboy as a kid, and I'm a dancer.
The standard that '24' is held to is higher than at other shows. A weaker episode of '24' would be an amazing episode for a lot of other shows.
I'm a huge '24'-head and have watched every episode of every season.
I knew I'd love being a mom, but it's so much cooler than I even thought it would be.
I really wished I had done the backpacking-through-Europe thing when I was younger, but I was busy doing musical theater.
I went to a really small school, and it had a really small theater department. They didn't talk about Broadway. I learned about it through watching the Tony Awards.
'24' is such a unique show. I've done a lot of television, but the real-time aspect - where we're shooting over 10 months and actually only doing one day - it's just crazy.
We shoot a lot of pilots that don't get picked up, and no one ever sees them at all.