Luxury is a necessity that begins where necessity ends.
Coco Chanel -
When putting on accessories, take off the last thing you've put on.
Coco Chanel
Costume jewelry is not made to give women an aura of wealth, but to make them beautiful.
Coco Chanel -
I consider lace to be one of the prettiest imitations ever made of the fantasy of nature; lace always evokes for me those incomparable designs which the branches and leaves of trees embroider across the sky, and I do not think that any invention of the human spirit could have a more graceful or precise origin.
Coco Chanel -
If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.
Coco Chanel -
Fashion is architecture. It is a matter of proportions.
Coco Chanel -
You live but once; you might as well be amusing.
Coco Chanel -
There are no ugly women, only lazy.
Coco Chanel
I never wanted to weigh more heavily on a man than a bird.
Coco Chanel -
Nothing is more beautiful than freedom of the body.
Coco Chanel -
Capel said, "Remember that you're a woman." All too often I forgot that.
Coco Chanel -
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.
Coco Chanel -
It is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory of fashion that heralds your arrival and prolongs your departure.
Coco Chanel -
Gentleness doesn't get work done unless you happen to be a hen laying eggs.
Coco Chanel
Women think of all colors except the absence of color. I have said that black has it all. White too. Their beauty is absolute. It is the perfect harmony.
Coco Chanel -
It's not the appearance, it's the essence. It's not the money, it's the education. It's not the clothes, it's the class.
Coco Chanel -
Fashion fades, only style remains the same.
Coco Chanel -
Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.
Coco Chanel -
If I cut my hair, others did. If I shortened my dresses, so did everyone else.
Coco Chanel -
The worse a woman feels, the better should she look.
Coco Chanel
There is nothing more comfortable than a caterpillar and nothing more made for love than a butterfly. We need dresses that crawl and dresses that fly. Fashion is at once a caterpillar and a butterfly, caterpillar by day, butterfly by night
Coco Chanel -
Only those with no memory insist on their originality.
Coco Chanel -
Chanel is above all a style. Fashion passes, style remains.
Coco Chanel -
In 1919 I woke up famous. I'd never guessed it. If I'd known I was famous, I'd have stolen away and wept. I was stupid. I was supposed to be intelligent. I was sensitive and very dumb.
Coco Chanel