I think every Dutch person has a connection with dance music.
If someone wants to make very, very original music that no one has ever heard before, you shouldn't know anything about music. It just narrows you down, you know?
I don't really have a favorite genre. I could listen to a rock song, a metal song, jazz, pop music, whatever. For me, whatever style it is, it always depends on the chord progression, the lyrics, and the melody used.
To play vinyl onstage is not my thing. For me, vinyl is for home listening.
My mom was an opera singer. She did all the classical music, and I heard it. I know every opera. I know every classical piece of music.
I personally love electronic music specifically because it has the rhythm, the kick, the thump - it has energy.
Touring is not easy, as you always have a certain yearning for home no matter how beautiful the location you are in, but I have pushed myself to the limits and am certainly more aware of myself as a result.
I started my whole career on Soundcloud and YouTube and was always looking for recourses to make music.
I did psychology at university, but I wouldn't say that my music is too influenced by it. The way I make music is a little more to do with an emotional connection. When I compose the melodies for my tracks, it always comes from the heart.
The first record I heard as a kid? My dad is a great soul and blues fan, so he showed me James Brown. That was my first stuff, and I loved it.