Everyone thinks that Prince and I had a beautiful, romantic love affair, but we didn't. We just let people think that in order to promote 'Purple Rain.'
A woman's body should be stronger than the environment. Strong enough to overpower the negative elements, especially in cities like New York and Los Angeles.
Since I worked with Prince, people assumed that I was black.
It was an amazing experience, a dream come true, to sing and act alongside Prince and become dear friends with all the members of The Revolution while filming 'Purple Rain.'
Prince loves his women. It's not impossible that someday he'll be devoted to just one.
I'm not a real big wine drinker. I enjoy wine from a distance.
I'd rather be looked over than overlooked.
My beautiful, selfless sister Manuela Testolini-Benet continues to inspire me to be a better woman. Always thinking of others, always doing God's work.