I think the movie Light of the World will help a lot of pastors. It should get a lot of people sold-uh, saved.
Catholicism is a religion of idols.
Christ's finished sacrifice was sufficient. By participating in the mass, Roman Catholics are calling Him a liar! It's an abomination in the eyes of God.
God's gift of forgiveness and eternal life in heaven is absolutely free!
Mary is embarrassed, because the people are bowing down to statues of her.
I don't let my picture be taken. I'm on too many hit lists.
Yes, we get death threats every week... from the Muslims.
Boy dressed as the devil: Everybody's afraid of the devil!Girl: Not me!Boy dressed as a ghost: How come?Girl: Because Jesus loves me and the devil is afraid of Jesus.
My friend, the moon god was Allah. He was just one of 360 idols in the Ka'aba in Mecca. And Muhammad knew all about this. The crescent moon is everywhere in Islam. Even Ramadan begins and ends with the crescent moon. Ask your mullah why!
But you can't kill a demon because they're evil spirits, like a ghost.
The biggest sin is unbelief. God wants us to believe Him. But we rebel against God when we refuse to trust Him.
Don't tell God they were only little globs of tissue. They were real live persons, being formed in their mother;s womb.
Bob: The inquisition in Europe was masterminded by the Jesuits… Only this time instead of Dominican monks wearing rives, the Vatican used the Gestapo wearing Nazi uniforms.
Holy Joe: And on the day of judgment everything will be replayed, even your thoughts
By nature, we're Adam's children - not God's. Because of Adam's sin, his kids became sinners, and spiritually children of the devil.
John: Spiritually, you're as dead as a doorknob and heading straight for hell!.
God gave His laws to Moses… and like it or not, God condemns the sin of homosexuality.
Cop: Stinking straight!
It took guts for Noah to build the ask because it had never rained. Got watered the earth with a mist.