First of all I will talk to (U.S.) President (George W.) Bush.
Anyone involved in planning terror attacks will be a legitimate target for liquidation.
If the day comes when the two-state solution collapses, and we face a South African-style struggle for equal voting rights (also for the Palestinians in the territories), then, as soon as that happens, the State of Israel is finished.
Peace is important for Israel.
We're under pressure because we haven't reached the point where we can form a stable government yet.
Who thinks seriously that if we sit on another hilltop, on another hundred meters, that this is what will make the difference for the state of Israel's basic security?
The fence will continue being built and we will go on taking care of the security of Israel's citizens.
I was not born to be prime minister, and I'm not going to stay here until the end of my life. I'm too young for that.
A prime minister must not promise things that can't be fulfilled.
We will use an iron fist against any attempt to renew terror activity anywhere.
My doctors say I am very healthy.
Today, Israeli democracy has spoken its piece, in a loud and clear voice.
Bibi Netanyahu has set himself up as the head of the extreme right wing.
If the Palestinians agree to act soon, we will sit at the negotiating table in order to create a new reality ... . If they do not, Israel will take its fate into its own hands.
There will be no reverse in this decision, ... The Orient House has become a symbol of provocations, of almost endless activities against the law of Israel and against the status of Israel in the united city of Jerusalem and as such it had to be closed.
I'm saying those things here and now out of a belief in the State of Israel's immense power and the immeasurable courage of its soldiers, military leaders, and security forces to hit any enemy and defeat any terrorist. Out of this sense of strength we must act with all our power in order to create hope for a different life for our young generation and that of our Palestinian neighbors.
When you fight for the impossible, sometimes you lose everything.
There won't remain a single Jew that we will need to defend beyond the fence.
History has proven that when the people of Israel unite under a serious and responsible leadership, we know how to overcome all challenges and overcome all obstacles.
I sometimes feel tired. But there are so many reasons for being tired.
In the coming period, we will move to set the final borders of the state of Israel, a Jewish state with a Jewish majority. We will try to achieve this in an agreement with the Palestinians.
The main challenge is still ahead for him, ... Will he fight against the terrorists? Will he try to stop this bloody, violent war against the state of Israel? This is the main question. This is what interests us.
There is nothing that I'd love to do more than negotiate with Palestinians. This is my desire. This is my dream. This is my mission.
Israeli lives are worth more than Palestinian ones.