Sometimes it feels like you’re losing, but even when you’re losing, you’re getting something.
When I'm shooting, I just try to make sure I wouldn't be embarrassed of it later, because in Watertown, you don't get away with anything.
It’s still a pretty sexist world out there and someone’s got to stand up and say something.
It's high school, man. They compare it to prison in the movie.
I'd like to go back to Buffy, but I've been in a coma, I've jumped off a building, I've been in prison - how many other ways can they bring me back? But those guys are geniuses, so who knows?
Rhymes with push-koo; I always say it sounds like a breakfast cereal.
To be honest, I haven't even seen the film yet. Tobey, if you're reading this, I apologize.