The ancient owls' nest must have burned.Hastily, all alone,a glistening armadillo left the scene,rose-flecked, head down, tail down
Elizabeth Bishop -
Why should I be my aunt,or me, or anyone?What similaritiesboots, hands, the family voiceI felt in my throat, or eventhe National Geographicand those awful hanging breastsheld us all togetheror made us all just one?
Elizabeth Bishop
Topography displays no favorites; North's as near as West.More delicate than the historians' are the map-makers' colors.
Elizabeth Bishop -
From a magician's midnight sleevethe radio-singersdistribute all their love-songsover the dew-wet lawns.
Elizabeth Bishop -
The armored cars of dreams contrived to let us doso many a dangerous thing.
Elizabeth Bishop -
The big fish tubs are completely linedwith layers of beautiful herring scalesand the wheelbarrows are similarly plasteredwith creamy iridescent coats of mail,with small iridescent flies crawling on them.
Elizabeth Bishop