Everyone is able to give to someone.
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Veterans Day is an acknowledgment that those willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for our country - and their families - deserve our admiration and respect today and every day.
Elizabeth Esty
It's important for our state to expand manufacturing jobs.
Elizabeth Esty -
We need faith leaders like Eman Beshtawii.
Elizabeth Esty -
Today, I heard directly from Connecticut workers about the importance of strong, predictable federal research funding and how the federal government can be a better partner in spurring innovation and helping life-saving medication reach families who need it most.
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Our country has been the leading provider of humanitarian aid for refugees.
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We have to look at loan forgiveness to incentivise young people to pursue degrees in areas where we know we need help.
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I think we need to raise our voices, and we need to demonstrate to the people we represent, as well as the American people, that their leaders have a responsibility to take action.
Elizabeth Esty
If elected members of any body - whether it's a state house or Congress - were not willing to take career-ending or at least election-losing votes, I would not have the right to vote today.
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We need a comprehensive strategy that includes expanding criminal background checks for all commercial gun sales, dedicated federal law to combat gun trafficking, and a strong commitment to mental health services.
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Government ought to make it easy for people to do the right thing.
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Elections are about choices, and part of what you do is draw that contrast.
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There's been an enormous awakening, and I think recognition that the mass shootings we saw in Sandy Hook and other places are very related to the shootings we see every day in our cities.
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I liked New England.
Elizabeth Esty
We need to close the tax loopholes that have awarded companies moving out of the country and overseas; we need a government that will keep our country safe from terrorists at home and abroad... and a government that is responsive to the needs of the people.
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Workers' rights are under attack across the country.
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We have a lot of work we need to do to make sure all of our children have a better understanding of this diverse and wonderful and beautiful world.
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My brother had the courage to come out in 1978, when equality was still a distant dream.
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We can and must do our part to increase the number of Syrian refugees being resettled in the U.S.
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My job is to be a problem-solver.
Elizabeth Esty
We shield our children from hazardous products - liquid nicotine should be no exception.
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We want to take the energy surrounding the Sandy Hook anniversary that might otherwise be consumed by grief or anger - or this week in San Bernardino by fear - and channel some of that to honor our common humanity and love each other.
Elizabeth Esty -
From fully funding nutrition programs to protecting children from liquid nicotine poisoning, I have focused many of my efforts in Congress on advocating for polices that invest in our most valuable resource - our children.
Elizabeth Esty -
Lead levels exceeding federal thresholds pose a serious public health threat, particularly for more vulnerable populations.
Elizabeth Esty