I was born into a loving family who was able to provide me with everything.
Southern women always know how to make you feel welcome, loved and admired, even when we're talkin' smack!
I used to love those little cute bottles of amenities in the hotel room. And while the soap, shampoo, conditioner, and lotion may smell great, they waste an incredible amount of plastic and space in your luggage.
I used to pack a giant bag to check with every possible outfit I could think of, but now I have slimmed down my travel wardrobe.
At the end of the day, your animal's never going to give up on you.
People don't just want to be thin. They want to be curvy.
We know shark's fin is a huge problem. In California now, you can't buy it or sell it.
To go in the water and stare at a shrimp for three minutes and not think about anything else in the world, it's just euphoric.
I know that not many people can go to the Marshall Islands. It is really one of the most remote places on earth.
It's very expensive to treat your dog, and thankfully, I was able to do that.
Like many women, I spend much of my working day wearing a variety of cosmetic and personal care products on my skin and hair.
I know this is hard for people who live in rural communities, but if you can, walk to the store. You will help the environment and get a little workout.
My go-to meal is soft-boiled eggs with toasty squares.
Some people are cool, some are cold. Many are down to earth, while a select few are divas.
Typhoon damage happens when they hit land, and as humans, we've decided to destroy mangroves and hurt coral reefs. If we don't have barriers, the devastation is worse, and that is scary.
Don't ask super goofy questions at the premiere of a very serious movie or try to have an in-depth political discussion at the opening of a new fashion boutique.
Forget bottled water; tap water is just as good! Pour it into a reusable water bottle, and always have fresh water on the go without wasting plastic.
Just because you want to wear organic cotton doesn't mean you have to spend an arm and a leg.
Nepal is a magical country and one of the only places in the world where they are winning the fight against illegal poaching.
Growing up in the '90s, I just loved 'Ice Ice Baby.' I knew, and still know, every single word to that song.
I always had amazing food around the dinner table, a beautiful house to live in, cool clothes to wear to school, and help with my homework. I am so lucky.
I'm a crazy Journey fan.
I had the pleasure of working for 'The Late Show' with O'Brien when I was an NBC page at 30 Rockefeller Center, and it was always so much fun.
I was always a girl who loved animals and cared about the environment - um, I totally recycled at home and turned the lights off every time I left! But it wasn't until I met the love of my life, Philippe Cousteau, that I realized every thing we do, buy and use makes a difference in the world... for better or worse.