I hated her now with a hatred more fatal than indifference because it was the other side of love.
When people refuse to speak out for too long, it's like water that's stagnant and starts to rot!
If you are afraid of loneliness, don't get married.
I've thought of becoming a photographer! To save my talent as a writer.
The hood-winked husband shows his anger, and the word jealous is flung in his face. Jealous husband equals betrayed husband. And there are women who look upon jealousy as synonymous with impotence, so that the betrayed husband can only shut his eyes, powerless in the face of such accusations.
When people drink, they talk, and talk is dangerous!
What an occupation! To sit and flay your fellow men and then offer their skins for sale and expect them to buy them.
Growing old-it's not nice, but it's interesting.
No matter how far we travel, the memories will follow in the baggage car.
Why is it so painful to watch a person sink? Because there is something unnatural in it, for nature demands personal progress, evolution, and every backward step means wasted energy.
Some people seem to be born to suffer.
Sorrow has the fortunate peculiarity that it preys upon itself. It dies of starvation. Since it is essentially an interruption of habits, it can be replaced by new habits. Constituting, as it does, a void, it is soon filled up by a real horror vacuum.
Any programming language is at its best before it is implemented and used. Anything is possible, anything can happen. On a flimsy ground of reality, imagination spins marvelous patterns.
Because in the midst of happiness there is always a seed of unhappiness; it consumes itself like fire--it can't burn forever, sooner or later it must die; and this presentiment of the end destroys my happiness when it is at is height.
Silence hides nothing. Words conceal.
I prefer silence. Then you can hear thoughts and see into the past. In silence you can’t hide anything … as you can in words.
Life is not so idiotically mathematical that only the big eat the small; it is just as common for a bee to kill a lion or at least to drive it mad.
There are poisons that blind you, and poisons that open your eyes.
I see the playwright as a lay preacher peddling the ideas of his time in popular form.
I, too, am beginning to feel an immense need to become a savage and create a new world.
Now I know the full power of evil. It makes ugliness seem beautiful and goodness seem ugly and weak.
Meeting each other and leaving each other. Leaving and meeting. That's what life is!
When is revolution legal? When it succeeds!
Happiness consumes itself like a flame. It cannot burn for ever, it must go out, and the presentiment of its end destroys it at its very peak.