I came to see a king, not a row of corpses.
En Romanos, rerum dominos, gentemque togatam!
We write our names in the sand: and then the waves roll in and wash them away.
Iuravit in mea verba tota Italia.
At the age of nineteen, on my own initiative and at my own expense, I raised an army by means of which I restored liberty to the republic, which had been oppressed by the tyranny of a faction. For which service the senate, with complimentary resolutions, enrolled me in its order...
Quintili Vare, legiones redde!
Those who slew my father I drove into exile, punishing their deed by due process of law, and afterwards when they waged war upon the republic I twice defeated them in battle.
If we could survive without a wife, citizens of Rome, all of us would do without that nuisance; but since nature has so decreed that we cannot manage comfortably with them, nor live in any way without them, we must plan for our lasting preservation rather than for our temporary pleasure.
Αἴθ᾽ ὄφελον ἄγαμός τ᾽ ἔμεναι ἄγονός τ᾽ ἀπολέσθαι.
The tales of our exploits will survive as long as the human voice itself.
Young men, listen to an old man to whom old men listened when he was young.
If i have done well and you're awe stirs pause, give great shout in this actors cause.
May it be my privilege to have the happiness of establishing the commonwealth on a firm and secure basis and thus enjoy the reward which I desire, but only if I may be called the author of the best possible government; and bear with me the hope when I die that the foundations which I have laid for its future government, will stand firm and stable.
Livia, nostri coniugii memor vive, ac vale!
Have I played the part well? Then applaud as I exit.
Better a cautious commander, and not a rash one.
Make haste cautiously.
Aetati tuae, mi Tiberi, noli in hac re indulgere et nimium indignari quemquam esse, qui de me male loquatur; satis est enim, si hoc habemus ne quis nobis male facere possit.
If we could survive without a wife, citizens of Rome, all of us would do without that nuisance.
Sat celeriter fieri, quidquid fiat satis bene.
By marrying to soon, many individuals sacrifice their chance to struggle through this purgatory of solitude and search toward a greater sense of self-confidence. They glance at the world outside the family and with hardly a second thought grasp anxiously for a partner. In marriage they seek a substitute for the security of the family of origin and an escape from aloneness. What they do not realize is that moving so quickly from one family to another, they make it easy to transfer to the new marriage all their difficult experiences in the family of origin.
To seek to keep the established constitution unchanged argues a good citizen and a good man.
Wars, both civil and foreign, I undertook throughout the world, on sea and land, and when victorious I spared all citizens who sued for pardon. The foreign nations which could with safety be pardoned I preferred to save rather than to destroy.
Festina lente.