The one thing we learned about community - you can't force community.
Adam Neumann -
WeWork has always believed that we are better together, and a large part of that is learning from others through meaningful connections and experiences.
Adam Neumann
WeWork is a platform that is powered by technology. Our members are running their entire experience with WeWork through the app.
Adam Neumann -
I met with my spiritual teacher and went to a therapist. I realized that if I came from a positive place, not only will everyone feel better and I will feel happier, but the company will work better.
Adam Neumann -
When I met my wife, I was focused on making money but failing miserably.
Adam Neumann -
As the world becomes a more digital place, we cannot forget about the human connection.
Adam Neumann -
New York is the new Silicon Valley.
Adam Neumann -
Be the guy that delivers the goods and consistently promise things that you can deliver. Even if you under-promise, it's better than over-promising and not delivering, because you don't get a lot of tries.
Adam Neumann
Anybody that wants to be something greater than themselves, that understands that bringing meaning and intention into work and bringing those two things together, is a member of the 'we generation,' and the money tends to follow.
Adam Neumann -
If it's servicing a real need, that doesn't go away in a recession. If you're serving a true need, and if you have a loyal group of customers that are falling... As the world goes through a tough time, these customers will stay with you.
Adam Neumann -
Life is about being present. Sometimes your home will demand more attention, and you should be there. Sometimes your work is more demanding. But the beautiful thing when you create your life's work is that it always feels like you're on a mission.
Adam Neumann -
There's no one person that can provide all the insights I need to run the business. There are so many aspects to WeWork: Digital, real estate, operations, space, and design. I pick and choose people who can help in each aspect.
Adam Neumann -
When I moved to New York City from Israel, I came here with the idea to get a great job, have tons of fun, and make a lot of money. Growing up in Israel, I watched a lot of American TV, and I thought it's what the 'cool' people did, and I wanted the same thing.
Adam Neumann -
You never know who you're talking to. Don't limit a young student's dream, because that's how we change the world.
Adam Neumann
How do you change the world? Bring people together. Where is the easiest big place to bring people together? In the work environment.
Adam Neumann -
I believe that if you regularly make the right choice - and it takes practice; it takes effort - the more you make the right choice, the easier it gets.
Adam Neumann -
I try to surround myself with people smarter than me - if I'm the smartest guy in the room, I change rooms.
Adam Neumann -
India is a unique and special place but a challenging business environment.
Adam Neumann -
Success is not just making money. Success is happiness. Success is fulfillment; it's the ability to give.
Adam Neumann -
If more people follow their superpowers - and everyone has one - then we're going to be better as a society.
Adam Neumann
WeWork is working to create a world where people make a life and not just a living.
Adam Neumann -
Huge success is very hard to come by.
Adam Neumann -
If you're going to build a business that's based on community, your business has to have community in it.
Adam Neumann -
Globalisation for a startup is exciting; you have to learn so fast about the different cultures of the world.
Adam Neumann