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I now know how to steal a watch when someone's wearing it. It's an excellent talent to have.
I started working on a TV show in Australia, straight out of high school, so I missed the whole university experience.
The two things I've been told most often since my career took off - by taxi drivers, lifelong friends and everyone in between - have been, 'Don't ever change, Margot' and 'You can't do that anymore, Margot.'
It irritates me so much the way people talk about soaps because it is far more difficult working on a soap than it is on a big studio film.
It's always good to have a story arch.
The '60s are my favorite decade - with the Cold War, the women's movement. And then there's the music, the fashion, the clothes, the hair.
I'm never happier than when I'm on set.
I have many moments of self doubt. Everybody does.
Ironically, I don't like having cameras in my face.
I kind of feel like every time I do a film, it is me and an entire male ensemble cast.
It's fascinating to see how versatile New York City is. It lends itself to being so many different places!
I always wanted to play ice hockey back in Australia, I'm not sure why, but we didn't have any ice where I lived. It was very hot - a coastal town.
I kind of left everyone behind in Australia - all my friends and my family and I had to break up with my boyfriend.
If there aren't roles you want to play, then you've kind of got to create them.
I really want to do a Western. I want to be the dude who is riding horses and doing exciting things - something where I get to do something physical and have to train for it. I don't want to be the damsel.
I always have more fun when I stay in hostels - you just meet so many more people. A hotel makes sense when you're doing work things, but travelling, you don't really get a feel for a place if you're in a hotel. I find it seems to make it all feel like everywhere else.
A movie shoots six months for two hours of film.
Being irrational and out of control is what happens in real life. Not cautiously choreographing your anger or your emotions, losing yourself in them is what happens in real life.
It seems to be the way I get jobs - I book a holiday, I get to the other side of the world, then I'll get the job.
My mum is just the sweetest person on Earth, and if I turned into her, I wouldn't be that upset at all; in fact, it would be an honour.
The most frustrating thing is picking up a script and loving the roles in it except the female ones... It's really annoying and something I've striven to change in the industry.
I say this about everything: when I was on 'Neighbours,' I said, 'These are the best years of my life!' When I was filming 'The Wolf Of Wall Street,' I said, 'These are the best months of my life!' I always think I'm having the best time ever, and that I'll never have so much fun again.
I'd rather trust nine people and have the 10th one stab me in the back. I'd take that fall in order to have those nine friendships or working relationships instead of having none. That's not living.
I get miserable if I don't eat.