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What do I think of myself? I know my worth. I know my value. I know I have to lead by example. I can't just be all over the place. I put the energy out that I want given back to me. And again, I'm true to me.
It feels amazing to be back on set. It feels like home, even though the territory is a little bit unfamiliar because it's a new show, it's a new character, but once you get in the groove and you start to settle in and trust the moment, you start to really feel at home.
I'm just going with the flow. I'm in the process, I'm on the path. I'm really working towards all of my goals and music is definitely on the way.
I've had to come through a lot and I've made a lot of different mistakes, but I realized that I never gave up. I wanted to so badly.
It just feels like I'm on the right path musically and I'm in the right mindset to continue out my mission in music because I'm not putting myself in a box.
My daughter, I can't give up because she's watching and she's here and she's waiting for me to be an example. So, between her, myself, and my will, and me pushing myself, that's my inspiration.
It's easy to just give everything up, but it takes a lot of strength and a lot of willpower to just make yourself stay on it and get up and do something different. And I had to do that.
I'm my biggest inspiration. And I say this in the most humble way. I've been through so much, just in my life.
It'd be negligent to say that I don't want to be at the top of the charts. Of course I do, it's proof that your song is being heard. But I think it's more about the work for me and being proud of what I'm doing in music than what people think about my music. I want to like my music before you like it. I don't want to sell anything that I don't really like. I don't want to sell myself short just to get to the top of the charts. It doesn't feel that great. Feeling proud of your work feels greater than being at the top of the charts.
The hardest part has been maintaining a small head and remaining down to earth. So many people try to make you more than you are.
I've figured out the secret. Your mind is your power; you have to work with your mind and work with your own thoughts about your own life. If you spend so much time thinking, "This industry is male-dominated. It's sexist. It's this. It's that," then that's what the picture will always be. I remember when I was coming up, I didn't have those thoughts. My mom told me I could be whatever I wanted to be and I could be as bright of a star as I was meant to be. So, that's where I put all of my focus and my thought...into what I could do. And I carry that with me now.
I think creativity becomes really beautiful and magical when you allow it to do what it's needing you to do.
Even though designing your own show, that's great, I am nothing without the support around me.
The '90s period I just miss because it was such a great time and the music was just so electric. Everybody just had to bring their A-game back then because everybody that was, you know, a big influence...they were on the charts. I bring that era with me everywhere I go. I care about every word I sing. I care about every move I make on stage. I care about the fans. I bring that with me to the present time. And then, when you're timeless, you can work in any time.
Stay true to yourself because it goes a long way. If you don't know who you are, who are you really?
I love music. That's my first love. I'm actually going to start working on that full-time very soon, but I love acting as well. It satisfies a different part of who I am. I love to pretend, to imagine, try new things, work with different people, and just see how far I can go.
I'm not an R&B singer, I'm a singer. I can sing any music that makes me feel inspired whether it's Country, a little bit of Rock and roll but within my roots as well. I'm not going too far with it, but it'll be within my roots. I feel like trying a different way to express my music because so many people have already taken from what I've done in the past and it kind of makes me not want to ever do anything that I've done before.
I don't get into the favorite songs thing, because so many speak to different parts of my life, but the music in the '90s is just unbeatable.
That's the beautiful part about acting - you get to play somebody other than yourself. So, I'm open to people who can't sing, people who can, people that sing a little bit, or people that sing a lot.
Music is infinite and personal. I don't want to put myself in a box. I want to try everything and I'm trying everything. I'm really trying to write what's in my heart and what I feel without a lot of help in that department. It's about being brave.
The extra opinions and the extra praise is just a bonus, it's not the main thing. The main thing is how I feel about myself. And I feel really good about myself.
I feel there's so much purpose that's left in me to share with people and I'm just ready to use my gift in the right way because I know I have a gift and it's unique and different than anybody else's. I'm supposed to do something with it and I'm happy that I know that now.
I was just so honored to play the role of Cinderella and to just be the first African-American princess, that's just historic for me, that's such a mark in my life and my career and then the bonus of just working with my favorite person in the whole world, Whitney Houston, like her voice just did something to my spirit.
Just staying true to yourself and staying true to your passion. Following your gut.