If you want a friend, feed any animal.
I want to be more like the ocean... no talk and all action.
Some people should die that's just unconscious knowledge.
You've got to look at yourself as what I call a lifer. You're going to be out there playing music your whole life, in a live situation. That's what sends me out into the world, and as I see this beautiful world, I want to do more and contribute more, and stay in a position to do more and contribute more.
If I had my way, I would have sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll at least 4-6 hours a day. So long as there are going to be things in the way of that, we're going to have a revolution.
Music is always my great escape... I get to be that wild child and do whatever the hell I want on stage.
You have to take risks.
Jimi Hendrix's music was escapism.
Our plight, ... is a true indication of the general health of the touring industry and it is across musical genres.
The live concert industry has become corporate-ized.
Sometimes to realize you were well, someone must come along and hurt you.
I mean, gosh, my first tours I ever did were with the Ramones and Iggy Pop and Love & Rockets.
I'm looking to evolve the concept of the new renaissance artist, taking the world by storm through the art of public display and demonstration, with technical savvy, using cell phones and computers.
I don't wait on the music industry to qualify me or give me my paycheck. I go about my business as an artist and I believe that my value is in my product and in my art form, and that's why I can't be stopped, because I began producing my record by myself, without a record company.
Here's my system. Music that's five years old should be a nickel. Music's that's three to four years old, you should pay a dime. If it's two years old, it's 50 cents and for new singles, 75 cents.
Without game, men prey on each other.
The formats have changed so much, and even if you look at alternative music today, most of it isn't really that alternative. It's just good, strong, modern music.
I'm always working on concepts and ideas for the future.
I write contemporary rock with Jane's. And I also write house music with people like Kascade.
I love being able to escape my past, even though my past was great.
Punk rock was exciting because you could get your ass kicked for looking like a punk. Punks were atrocious. They created mayhem. Now you just throw on a plaid-that's not style.
If you're not part of the freaks, you're part of the boredom.
Lollapalooza is a place where young upstarts become legends, and legends return to claim their fame.
We want the fans to discover and explore.