I'm still not that familiar with it Intelligent Design. I'm more familiar with it than most people, but nowhere near as familiar with it as a genuine expert in the subject. I don't pretend to be a scientist. I'm the person who moderates the discussion between and among the scientists.
I hope it won’t come as a surprise to anyone that a big part of male homosexual behavior is interest in young boys.
My feeling is that Darwinism is only at best a partial solution, and an extremely dangerous partial solution. I would say, based on the little I know, Darwinism explains microevolution within species quite well. As to its broader consequence and implications, I don't think it explains individual species evolution at all well.
And there hasn't been much progress in Darwinism since the life of Darwin.
God bless the devout Christians of this country. They are Israel's best friends on the earth.
Love of God and compassion and empathy leads you to a very glorious place- science leads you to killing people.
There's no evidence whatsoever that Darwin had anything useful to say or anything to say period about how life began or how the universe began or how gravity began or how physics began or fluid motion or how thermodynamics began. He had nothing to say about that whatsoever.
Evolutionism, as taught by Darwinism, has nothing - nothing - to say about how life originated. Has nothing to say about how the governing principles in the universe - gravity, thermodynamics, motion, fluid motion - how any of those originated. It's...it's got some gigantic missing pieces.
The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: decide what you want.
Humans are alive, therefore life must be complex.
But when I talk to people who are Darwinists or evolutionists and say, 'Well, how did life begin' - they're...they don't have an answer. I mean, they have an answer, but it's a BS answer. It's an answer that wouldn't make sense to a small child.
Neo-Darwinists ask us to believe in things not seen. We’re not supposed to have an established religion in America, but we do, and it’s called Darwinism.
Well, the first cause is not...it's lightning striking a mud puddle. See, and this is what the evolutionists say. And by the way, they may be right - you know, I'm not a scientist, they could be right.
Darwinism is still very much alive, utterly dominating biology. Despite the fact that no one has ever been able to prove the creation of a single distinct species by Darwinist means, Darwinism dominates the academy and the media.
Yes, it making Expelled has made my belief in that Intelligent Design much stronger. It has pointed out something which haunted me ever since I learned about Darwinism, which is, Where did it all start? How did life start? Darwinism has nothing to say about that-nothing useful, anyway-but I think Intelligent Design has a great deal to say about it.
The scientific community says that if you even mention God as causes of anything scientific, you're gone.