I enjoy the debate... I haven't met a single person in Congress yet that I dislike. It's not about moderating your views: it's about being able to talk about them and defending them in a way that's uplifting to people.
Sometimes, we find ourselves as conservatives being angry when we should be joyful, finding ourselves being negative when we should be positive, because we have a positive message to send... We ought to be the most compassionate people in the world.
The greatest threats to North Dakota are policies coming out of Washington, D.C. I see it every day and feel a sense of responsibility to do something about it.
I am a joyful conservative, unafraid to articulate big ideas with an optimistic smile.
Here's where I'm different from a senator. We pass continuing resolutions. We pass appropriations bills.
My children range in age from 5 to 31. We adopted the 5-year-old, but people are often impressed with my wife before knowing that.
I have to be honest: I don't get many, if any - I don't know that I've ever received a phone call in my office from somebody that says they've been discriminated against based on their sexual orientation.
If you're a person of faith that is conservative, that's pro-life, as I am, that believes strongly in traditional family values, as I do... then how we talk about them matters.
I really see the vocation of politics like I see every vocation - whether it's being a reporter or serving in public life or being a plumber - as an extension of ministry.
One of the messages I presented to the coal industry was, "If you want to have major transmission built, start encouraging wind development." That's because the cultural value and acceptance of wind energy provides an opportunity to build transmission lines that are not as desirable with traditional forms of generation.