Spread your ear pollution far and wide.
Take the road where the eagle flies, man follows where his fortune lies.
Your lips are my persuasion, your love will be my cure.
You might think you see a lucky man who made the grade.
Red lights, green lights, stop and go jive. Headlines, deadlines, jamming your mind.
I'm older, wiser and richer, and I still have just as many headaches. It hasn't changed me drastically; certainly, not in terms of relationships. The people I'm close to, and there aren't many of them, have been close for a long time. And we know each other well enough to know it isn't the quantity of time you spend together, it's the quality.
You guard your hopes and pocket your dreams, you'd trade it all to avoid an unpleasant scene.
You got your glory and you paid for it all, you take your pension in loneliness and alcohol.