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We need to work together as social partners to focus on our economy by removing all the obstacles to investment and move South Africa to a higher level of growth.
We should put behind us the era of diminishing trust in public institutions and weakened confidence in our country's public leaders.
We are a nation that does not build walls. We do not believe in building walls. And that defines who we are. We are South Africans, and we do not subscribe to the building of walls.
It is not the function of the leader of government business to discipline members of the executive.
We cannot effect meaningful change if we become complacent, if we become comfortable with our own positions in the status quo.
Nobody, no family, is above the law.
If we are not honest, we are not going to be able to forge unity.
We want young people to come forward with bright ideas; we want the women and men in our country to have jobs.
We now have a great opportunity to put land to good use, to take it out of those hands, lazy hands I might say, and put it into the working hands of our people.
Students want free education because their parents are struggling. The fees of universities and technikons are too high.
We need to rid our State Owned Enterprises of corruption because the money being siphoned out should be funding them.
I have not committed any crimes. I have not stolen any money. I have not looted state resources.
During the worst days of apartheid, we turned to the church for hope and courage as we fought a righteous struggle for a democratic, non-racial, non-sexist, just, and prosperous South Africa.
As the ANC, we have got to condemn violence as a method of addressing our differences and disputes amongst us.
Things such as corruption is a big thing in the ANC.
Because of their marginalised position in the economy, the mass of the workers carry the burdens of society.
We must acknowledge that there are factions in our movements... We should not be telling lies to each other; we should tell the truth to each other with the view that there will be unity.
To get education to sink deep into the minds of a nation takes a generation and more.
We have realized that corruption is rife, and we are going to address it. We are going to root out corruption, and that is a promise I can make.
We now know, without any shred of uncertainty, that billions of rands of public resources have been diverted into the pockets of a few.
Land is a very broad as well as a complex issue, and it has to be handled very delicately because around land, there is quite a lot of emotion.
The country is yearning to put behind all these horrible things that have to do with corruption, state capture, behind us. The sooner these are all done, the better, because we want to move on; we want to move on to a better life.
The ANC must ensure that South Africa does not become a mafia state because once you reach that state, all the wheels have come off.
I believe things that happen in the ANC family must be handled there.