I have the modest goals of replacing the whole petrochemical industry.
Craig Venter -
You can't just live in a comfortable little suburban neighborhood and get your education from movies and television and have any perspective on life.
Craig Venter
Any virus that's been sequenced today - that genome can be made.
Craig Venter -
We have learned nothing from the genome.
Craig Venter -
Moving forward in science is as much unwinding the distorted thinking of the past as it is putting a clearer idea on the table.
Craig Venter -
Most drugs work on only about a third of the population, they do no damage to another third, and the final third can have negative consequences.
Craig Venter -
Tenure actually delivers a doubly whammy to the organizations that endure this outmoded arrangement. The second-rate people who thrive in a tenured environment like nothing more than to surround themselves with more mediocrity and drive out those who might excel and reveal the shortcomings of the entrenched.
Craig Venter -
I think from my experience in war and life and science, it all has made me believe that we have one life on this planet. We have one chance to live it and to contribute to the future of society and the future of life. The only 'afterlife' is what other people remember of you.
Craig Venter
The environment has fallen to the wayside in politics.
Craig Venter -
I don't know if the optimists or the pessimists are right. But, the optimists are going to get something done.
Craig Venter -
It is my belief that the basic knowledge that we're providing to the world will have a profound impact on the human condition and the treatments for disease and our view of our place on the biological continuum.
Craig Venter -
Privacy with medical information is a fallacy. If everyone's information is out there, it's part of the collective.
Craig Venter