Everyone tells me I have a funny accent. It's because I copy people. I learned English at school but have best friends who are French, Australian, English and American; a very weird mix.
I think it's important to always keep professional and surround yourself with good people, work hard, and be nice to everyone.
I don't get time to hang out with my friends because every time I make a plan, my agent tells me I can't go. I'm used to it.
We don't do 'dating' in Sweden.
I like a guy who is confident and easy-going, but a man who's a man, not a man who is a little boy. I like a man who is comfortable with himself.
I'm a bad loser, but I'm not a good winner either - I like to rub it in people's faces!
I like ungroomed men. The relaxed look. I don't like fussy guys. Just shower and use deodorant.
I play a lot of sports. I played football for 12 years, I like tennis, I surf, I snowboard, and I ski. I always like to do an activity.
In a relationship, it's important to make each other laugh. To give each other freedom, support each other and be proud of each other.
You can always enhance your natural beauty; you learn what works for your face because crazy make-up doesn't really suit anyone.
A lot of American guys wear really wide legged jeans and square shoes. Then they come to Sweden and think my friends are gay because they're wearing 'really tight jeans'. It's called 'fitted!'