The Pew Biomedical Scholars are a synergistic community whose connections are reinforced over the years.
One of the things that I first remember wanting to be was a 'geolisty' - that was the best I could say when I was a kid. That was right after I stopped wanting to be a fireman or a truck driver. Because my dad is a paleontologist who worked with the Smithsonian, I got to see the bones up close and the exhibits behind the scenes there.
My mom has a very subtle way of encouraging.
RNA interference has proven to be a quite reliable mechanism for turning genes off in a whole variety of different plants and animals.
What I really admire are people like my daughter, Victoria, who don't give up, who have daily medical challenges and medical conditions. They go on with their lives and make the best of it, not giving up even when it's not easy.
I love to do things like sail and hike, but they don't give me the satisfaction of knowing the potential of something you've learned in the lab.
I want to make a difference in the world because I believe that's what science is for.