Perhaps the CDC should quit spending money on things like jazzercise, urban gardening, and massage therapy and direct that money to where it's appropriate in protecting the health of the American people.
Anytime you present a message that is seen as hate, you're going to have a negative impact.
Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator.
I have signed the personhood petition. I have taken the petitions to my church and circulating into my church. And I have a legislative record that backs up my support for life.
The RNC had been incredibly supportive of my efforts in 2014... I couldn't have won without them.
There's an old saying in politics: You never run the same race twice. Democrats are running the same race three, four, five times. It's an old ploy, and Coloradans see through it.
There are far too many politicians out there who take the wrong position and stick with it and never admit that they should do something different.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership has the potential to reshape America's relationship with the nations of the Pacific Rim, enhance U.S. leadership in this critically important region, and provide a major boost to our economy.
Our country needs a new generation of leadership, and I believe that Marco Rubio presents this nation with the greatest possibilities and opportunities to meet the challenges of the next generation.
What's the difference between me and Mark Udall on contraception? I believe the pill ought to be available over the counter, around the clock, without a prescription. Cheaper and easier for you.
Ted Cruz caught the momentum in Wisconsin that I think that Donald Trump thought was his and his alone.
Let's put Coloradans in charge; let's put Westerners in charge of the West.
If Barack Obama weren't a U.S. citizen, I'm sure Bill and Hillary Clinton would have figured that out by now.
The idea we would create some kind of religious test for entry into the country is absolutely wrong.
The overwhelming majority of Coloradans don't want Guantanamo Bay detainees in the United States or Colorado.
America is a nation of laws, and it is wrong for Congresswoman Markey to propose bending the rules for a group of people whose first act in this country was to break the law.
One of the things that's always amazed me about people who attack me, saying I'm opposed to renewable energy, is I'm pretty sure I'm the only Republican who had an energy bill vetoed by a Republican governor.
The Keystone Pipeline would create good-paying jobs. Not only where the pipeline is being built, good-paying construction jobs, but manufacturing and service opportunities in Colorado along with the Keystone Pipeline.
I think a 'no' vote is giving the victor, whoever that may be, the win without your participation.
I think people need to be treated with respect, and that's what we've demanded from everyone.