A library book, I imagine, is a happy book.
And I always read the English translation and always have conversations with my translator, for example about the names. I always have to approve it.
I always thought it hadn't influenced me very much, but I heard from many people from England that many motives from German fairytales are to be found in my books.
Everything gets to me. I'm very sentimental.
Oh, I think every author is inspired by all of the books that she reads.
I like to visit my horse, have a walk with my dog.
I live in Hamburg; that's in the north. And I live on the outskirts of town. It looks like countryside.
I like a composer called Henry Purcell, and I love to listen to Neil Young.
My son always says I like very weird music.
I don't like to eat the same dish every day, so I read very different things.
I will try to write books until I drop dead.
Second, there are so many magical places in books that you can't go to, like Hogwarts and Middle Earth, so I wanted to set a story in a place where children can actually go.
And my father always took me to the library. We were both book addicts.
And I plan to write a sequel to Dragon Rider.
Every German child learns to speak English in school.
I always wanted to ride a dragon myself, so I decided to do this for a year in my imagination.
They are shooting The Thief Lord in Venice at the moment.
Yes, I always imagined living in other places.
I have two Iceland horses, a very hairy dog called Looney, and a guinea pig.
I just did a picture book called The Wildest Brother on Earth, and you will find both of my children in there.
If I was a book, I would like to be a library book, so I would be taken home by all different sorts of kids.
I love to read, I love to watch movies, and I love to be with my children.
I wish I had more time to visit schools.
My daughter, Anna, is almost 15, and my son, Ben, is almost 10.