It is galling to see such mendacious hypocrites as Kennedy and Biden at the Senate Judiciary Committee sitting in judgment on distinguished jurists.
Greed has been severely underestimated and denigrated – unfairly so, in my opinion.
Those who would retain his services should confine him to subjects better suited…to his sniggering, puerile, defamatory and cruelly limited talents.
Since biblical times, and probably before, the wealthy have been envied and condemned.
The bedraggled warhorse of American blowhardism.
An overgenerous reinsurance policy for an underachieving people.
A jumped-up little twerp and a prime candidate for exorcism
The swarming, grunting masses of jackals...
I had never heard of Walter Young before, and I do not expect to hear from him again.
Like all fads, corporate governance has its zealots
Black condemned the 1966 decision made by Harold Wilson to pull out of the Persian Gulf and scrap the Royal Navy's aircraft carriers. He regarded the resignation of Christopher Mayhew, Minister of Defence for the Navy as 'the last resonance of good sense in that country until Maggie Thatcher came in.'