Personally, I don't see myself as a sex symbol, but when people say that I get very proud, because I think people's sexuality is something very important.
(To Per on the stage) You sing false, you fucker!
What is all this shit music in the charts? I mean all this Vanilla Ice shit? I have never seen a chart like this, it is really so bad.
I'm a new person now.
There was all these old ladies and my mother she was one of them, and they were having you know, kind of a meeting, and she had said to them 'Oh I have a daughter, she can sings very well!' So it was very embarrassing for me.
Wow, a boomerang!! Oscar will love this.....
I come from Skåne... (points to the gap in her teeth) See, you can tell by my teeth!!
If Playboy ring me up I would definitely say no!
I'm so tired of all the girls who ring me in the night and ask to speak to Anders Herrlin!
I am what I am, I am not afraid of what I am, or of people's perception of me.
Without daring to make enemies, you have no real friends in the end.
Take advantage of every moment, live in the present.
Always follow your own heart and go your own way.
Madonna has some good songs but she goes too far with the sexy image.
Marie: "The other day Per ate a big spider!" Per: "She means lobster!"
I was really suspicious when I heard it for the first time, I thought it was too much pop!
Well, when I'm in a bar drinking I really have to have a smoke or two....
I couldn't give a shit if my records sell or not.
(When asked to say something nice about Per) Per Gessle is....very tall.
Mornings are not so cool, I see myself in the mirror and I look like an accordion!!