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I wanna stay an eternal girlfriend. I want to have my boyfriend's children, but I don't think we need a piece of paper to regulate the game, and we don't have to go through the whole stress of a wedding and suffering to throw a good party.
I am trying to make my accent so it won't bother anyone, but I am not going to drive myself crazy trying to pretend I am an American girl when I am from Colombia.
I think, that if you can prove the existence of God, it can only be proven through love.
I feel comfortable in my pop shoes. They let me walk in any direction. I like to go from one extreme to the other. One day I feel that I want to do a song with reggaeton influence, I do it. The next day I feel I need to do a song with rock elements to it, I do it.
I can take the spotlight that shines on me and shift it towards those issues that are infinitely more important than my own issues.
I admire Madonna because she always did whatever she felt like doing. She went through some controversial periods when people rejected her, but she kept on reinventing herself.
I adore my dad. He's a 78-year-old man and my inspiration.
Becoming a mom forced me to re-prioritize and make room for the things that are most important, while recognizing that there are things I can let go of, and the world won't crumble around me.
I just think that it's very helpful to have a map of your psyche, because when you have a map, you know where to go.
I have gone through a lot of things, everything that you can imagine in life, but the best has been Gerard and Milan.
I have no idea where I want to go musically, but I'm fine that way. I don't need to be faithful to any concept, you know.
A good fragrance should have a certain personality that makes people identify the scent with you.
I pefer an ugly truth to a pretty lie. If someone is telling me the truth that is when I will give my heart.
My therapist taught me why I behave in certain ways and not to feel so pressured.
I wish that one of my children will be like the Australian guy from the Discovery Channel show. The crocodile hunter.
Seeing me in love is a constant state: there are no questions, as the answer is simply there.
The Summit of the Americas is an excellent platform to raise awareness and secure commitments from heads of state and different sector leaders regarding Early Childhood Development.
I'm just a consequence of the great musical momentum and the great changes we are going through in the world.
I know what it's like to feel that fear and the need of affirmation and appreciation. To build confidence in yourself is the toughest thing.
Gerard is just like me, but two meters tall. We're very alike; it's not for nothing that we were born on the same day, it's just that he was born 10 years later... he's a happy guy, healthy here, in the head.
People are not depressed in Colombia the same way people are in America.
Gerard and I pretty much share all parenting responsibilities, although I'm definitely the disciplinarian.
Both the IDB and Fundacion ALAS believe that the future of prosperity and equality that we hope for has to start today with higher investment and higher quality in Early Childhood Development programs throughout the region.
At the age of eight, I discovered that I could write songs. My dad used to take them to the notary and register them so that nobody could steal them from me.