When done with heart, commitment, and integrity, every job is equally important.
I always like to remind myself that the most honorable people of all are not those who never make mistakes, but those who admit to them when they do and then move on and do their best to right the wrongs they have made.
I believe the core of most of us women is very simple. We want to feel appreciated, acknowledged, and something as simple as flowers with a little note or some love letters goes a long way.
I am righteous and not afraid to speak my truth. My delivery might not always be as diplomatic as I would like it to be, but my words are truthful - spoken from the heart and to the point.
It's interesting as a mom to reflect on your own parenting skills. The core of our beliefs may stay the same, but our perspective changes over the years and evolves with each child that comes through us.
I'm not very diplomatic and wear my heart on my sleeve.
It took me a while to learn the true meaning of patience and surrender, but I have finally accepted that healing doesn't happen on our schedule. It doesn't have a clock or a calendar.
Lyme has brought me to my knees; this disease is a silent killer and does not have a face.
Although I am not Jewish, I have been to many Friday night Shabbats at my friends houses, and I absolutely love it. It's a great and inspiring tradition to keep the family close.
I have been driven by romance my whole life because I crave the intimacy that comes with that.
Nothing better than a good laugh and giggling over a whole bunch of nothing.
I am so grateful for my children who remind me every day what matters in life, and I feel fortunate to be their mommy and share their special love.
Forgiveness for one's self is the only way we can keep going through life and give ourselves the best chance at being the best people we can be.
'Through sickness and through health' sounds so simple on your wedding day, but in reality, they become significant words that are a huge responsibility and show true character to navigate.
At 12 years old, I raised a premature baby cow on our farm because her mom had died. I bottle-fed it every day, let it suck on my chin, and babied it until it was stable.
Religion is a very sensitive subject and reason for wars all over the world.
I can sleep fine at night knowing that even though my honesty might not translate very diplomatically, the words I speak have good intent, and I live my life with great integrity.
There is very little magic in the world of the chronically ill.
The tabloids so easily throw people under the bus for a one-day sensation on the newsstand but sadly don't care about the long-term damage it does to those involved.
In 2013, after a challenging two years of long-term IV antibiotics and six weeks at a clinic in florida, I received the 'Star Light' award from the Lyme Research Alliance for my advocacy and strength to light the way of Lyme disease awareness.
When struggling to get out of bed in the morning due to pain and exhaustion, the last thing on the priority list is going to get a blow dry.
My life is raw, authentic, and focused on giving back to the journey God has given me; I want to leave this earth a better place with answers and education on Lyme and invisible chronic disease.
Nobody likes to be judged, including me, but I am the first to say that I am far from perfect.
At some point, you just learn to surrender to your path.