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As soon as you're willing to humble yourself and say, God, please help - then you can find out that His strength really is perfect, that He really does care for you, that He does really want to meet your need.
There’s obviously always danger in making music or art for art’s sake. Even as Christians we can be guilty of that, being more about the art than the Artist who gave us this gift.
Satan is screaming lies over us all day long. And God whispers the truth is a still, small voice. So often the voice we listen to most is the one we hear loudest.
Everything we're singing about is true, and even when you take away all the glitz, it's still true in the darkest, ugliest and most hopeless places.
Wherever we are, God's in that moment, God's speaking to us, and if we've just got our ears open and our antennas up, there's no lack of inspiration. He's not silent. We just have to be listening.
Writing songs out of my faith was a real natural progression. I grew up singing in my dad's choir and singing with my family. Christian music became the music that I identified myself with and was a way that I expressed my faith. Even at a public school I would take my Christian music in and play it for my friends.
Out of these ashes beauty will rise.
I wish I could have known you.
Country music is just country. It's going to shift around a little bit, doing some different instrumentations, different production styles. But it will always come back to what you heard at the Opry. Nobody wants it to change.
This is life we've been given, made to be lived out, so... live out loud.
I think we all want to know that if our lives don't turn out the way we imagine, there's still a purpose.
What I see is tellin me this world's gone crazy, but, What is real says God's still on His throne, What I need is to remember one thing, that the Lord of the gentle breeze is Lord of the rough and tumble, and he is the King of the jungle.
Will You help me hear the song You're singing over all this noise?
I want to live with that sense with the music I make, with the art I make, with the way I love my kids, with the way I am a father and a husband and a friend and a follower of Christ, I want to live with reckless abandonment to the truth of the Gospel.
As Christians, our compassion is simply a response to the love that God has already shown us.
Success breeds volume, and it's just amazing how many young writers, artists, and musicians there are in town.
Cars are the reason we, you know, people live or die.
That's one wonderful thing about country music - it shifts, ebbs, and flows stylistically, unlike pop music.
There's nothing like a good cheating song to make me want to run home to be with my wife.