Only the general manager can mold the resources, processes, and values that affect innovation, into a coherent capability to develop and launch superior new products and services repeatedly.
Our findings support many of the conclusions of the resource dependence theorists, who contend that a firm's scope for strategic change is strongly bounded by the interests of external entities (customers, in this study) who provide the resources the firm needs to survive.
Low-end disruption occurs when the rate at which products improve exceeds the rate at which customers can adopt the new performance.
The prediction of my disruption theory would be that Apple won't succeed with the iPhone. They've launched an innovation that the existing players in the industry are heavily motivated to beat: It's not truly disruptive. History speaks pretty loudly on that, that the probability of success is going to be limited.
So the people using the Android operating system are now Motorola, Samsung, LG. And they are killing Apple: now, Android accounts for about 80 percent of the market.
It’s easier to hold to your principles 100% of the time than it is to hold to them 98% of the time.
Management is the most noble of professions if it’s practiced well. No other occupation offers as many ways to help others learn and grow, take responsibility and be recognized for achievement, and contribute to the success of a team
Descriptive research provides an accurate description or picture of the status or characteristics of a situation or phenomenon.
The concept of the value network - the context within which a firm identifies and responds to customers' needs, solves problems, procures input, reacts to competitors, and strives for profit - is central to this synthesis.
I think the Vista fiasco will allow Apple to survive for a bit longer.
Disruptive technologies typically enable new markets to emerge. There is strong evidence showing that companies entering these emerging markets early have significant first-mover advantages over later entrants.
Generally, you can be humble only if you feel really good about yourself - and you want to help those around you feel really good about themselves.
All of the points that Professor Lepore raised were not just wrong, but they were lies. Ours is the only theory in business that actually has been tested in the marketplace over and over again. ... And for her to take that on, to take me on and the theory on – I don't know where the meanness came from.
There is a distinguishes between low-end disruption which targets customers who do not need the full performance valued by customers at the high end of the market and 'new-market disruption' that targets customers that could previously not be served profitably by the incumbent.